May 10, 2010

Cameron Mark

I can't believe Cameron is already 10 months old! It feels like I put my little new born to sleep and he woke up crawling. I can honestly say he is one of the best things I have ever done. He make our life so much more interesting that is for sure! We never imagined that we would have a baby so fast, but about 7 weeks after we were married we found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. After a rough pregnancy of terrible nausea (that lasted up to the delivery and recovery room), back pain, and exhaustion (I was still working full time as a department manager) he finally arrived. It all started around six in the morning on June 27, 2009. I woke up and thought that my water might have broke but I wasn't sure. I guess I have seen too many movie where water goes everywhere and you are screaming in pain. I was having contractions but they were irregular and far apart, so I told Ky to go to work and I would call him if it was time. Well only two hours later my contractions were about 7 minutes apart so we headed to the hospital. Sure enough my water was broken and I was dilated to a 5. My mom has always had quick births, each one of us was born within 20 minutes of her water breaking so I was hoping that would be the case for me. An hour later I was still at 5, ugh! So then I had to walk around the ob. And anyone who has been to our little hospital know there isn't every far to walk. They checked me again after an hour of walking, still at 5! Dr. Tran decided it would be best to give me something to make my contractions stronger and get the baby out faster. He suggested I get an epidural since my contractions were right on top of each other and already in the hundreds. So I got an epidural, I don't know why but as soon as I got the epidural the baby's heart rate dropped way down into the 60s. Now they decided to stop my contractions. I had about an hour of no pain, but once the contractions started again I was in so much pain. I didn't have an ob nurse, she was an er nurse, so when i told her i was hurting she said there wasn't anything they could do. Only later did the doctor find out and tell me they would have given me more medication. Anyway once I started pushing it felt like forever, but finally after almost 14 hours of labor, Cameron Mark Forsgren was here! He had the cord wrapped around his neck, chest, and feet! It took about 3 minutes for them to get him breathing on his own, but after that he was perfect. He was 7lbs 12oz, 19 in, had 10 fingers, and 10 toes! He looked just like his daddy had a mess of strawberry blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. We still hear "he looks just like Ky" everyday!

Since then he has gotten such a sweet personality. He always has a smile, hug, and slobbery kiss for everyone in the family. He is also already a little comedian! He is always making faces to make us laugh, he even peaks to make sure you are laughing! Even when I am in the worst mood he can make me smile! We love our little Bubba so much and can't imagine a day without him!

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